UCR 2020 Archive: Subcommittees
- Steering Committee
- Academic Excellence
- Excellence in Research and Creative Activity
- Excellence in the Delivery of Graduate Education
- Excellence in Undergraduate Education
- Advancement Subcommittee
- Resources, Budget Planning and Infrastructure
- Campus Climate and Community
- Community Engagement
- Implementation Advisory Committee
Chair: Dallas Rabenstein, executive vice chancellor and provost
Vice Chair: Tony Norman, chair of Academic Senate
Committee Members:
- Timothy White, chancellor
- Jerry Schultz, distinguished professor of bioengineering
- Christine Chiarello, professor of psychology
- Neal Schiller, professor of biomedical sciences
- Peter Hayashida, vice chancellor for university advancement
- Jay Farrell, professor of electrical engineering
- Yolanda Moses, associate vice chancellor for conflict resolution and professor of anthropology
- Sharon Duffy, professor of education, dean of UCR Extension
- Steven Brint, vice chair of the academic excellence subcommittee
- Gretchen Bolar, vice chancellor for finance and business operations
- Veronica Ruiz, President, UCR Staff Assembly
Ex Officio
- William Kidder, Assistant EVC
Staff Support
- Cindy Giorgio, Associate Chancellor
- To coordinate the activities of the eight subcommittees.
- To coordinate the preparation of the final strategic plan.
- To ensure that the value of the strategic plan is greater than the sum of the parts derived from subcommittee recommendations, including giving due consideration to overall coherence, focus and impact.
Chair: Timothy White, chancellor
Vice Chair: Steven Brint, professor of sociology & associate dean for College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS)
Committee Members: 20 committee members, consisting of:
- Cindy Larive, professor of chemistry
- Alex Balandin, professor of electrical engineering
- Victor Rodgers, professor of bioengineering
- David Funder, professor of pyschology
- Juliet McMullin, professor of anthropology
- Donna Hoffman, professor at AGSM
- Mike Allen, professor of plant pathology
- Katie DeFea, professor of biomedical sciences
- Ernest Martinez, professor of biochemistry
- Charles Louis, vice chancellor of research
- Joe Childers, dean of the graduate division
- Susan Straight, Professor, Creative Writing
- Cindy Giorgio, Associate Chancellor
- Bill Schmechel, Director, Research Integrity, Office of Research
- Gary Coyne, Graduate Student
- Lizbeth Langston, Head, Information Services, Science Library
- Timothy Lyons, Professor, Earth Sciences
Staff Support
- Bill Kidder, office of the EVC/P
- To focus on achieving academic excellence in our colleges, schools, departments and centers, with recommendations for strategic investment in existing areas of excellence and identification of departments and programs (including potential new areas of strength) that are poised to achieve excellence.
- To examine existing organizational structures, including departments, colleges, interdepartmental programs, centers and institutes, and recommend appropriate organizational structures for a 21st century research university.
Chair: Jerry Schultz, distinguished professor of bioengineering
Vice Chair: John Andersen, professor of psychology
Committee Members: 18 committee members, consisting of:
- Yushan Yan, professor of chemical and environmental engineering
- Francisco Zaera, professor of chemistry
- Rollanda O'Connor, graduate school of education
- David Lo, professor of biomedical sciences
- Wendy Saltzman, professor of biology
- Chun Ning (Jeanie) Lau, professor of physics
- Alex Raikhel, professor of entomology
- Xuemei Chen, professor of botany and plant sciences
- Christopher Abani, professor of creative writing
- Richard Arnott, professor of economics
- Dylan Rodriguez, professor of ethnic studies
- Yunzeng Wang, professor at AGSM
- David Bocian, vice provost, academic personnel
- Mitch Boretz, Technical Communications Specialist, BCOE
- Garrett Milliron, Graduate Student
Staff Support
- Bob Daly, strategic academic research and analysis
- To make recommendations about how best to develop and strengthen research and creative activity, including core research and interdisciplinary research initiatives.
- To identify overarching areas of research excellence for strategic investment, areas that align with the national interest and funding opportunities and transcend departmental and college boundaries. Place a particular focus on areas essential for AAU membership, such as competitively funded federal research support.
- To identify means of significantly increasing grant and contract support for UCR research, including major multi-investigator grants, so as to make the campus less dependent on state funding. Identify mechanisms to better support faculty in seeking extramural funding and to coordinate proposals for major center/initiative grants.
Chair: Christine Chiarello, professor of psychology
Vice Chair: Ken Baerenklau, associate professor of environmental sciences & associate dean of Graduate Division.
Committee Members: 14 committee members, consisting of:
- Christopher Switzer, professor of chemistry
- Patricia Springer, professor of botany and plant sciences
- Tom Novak, professor at AGSM
- Guillermo Aguilar, professor of mechanical engineering
- Tiffany Lopez, professor of English
- Leonora Saavedra, professor of music
- Xinping Cui, professor of statistics
- Jang-Ting Guo, professor of echonomics
- Robert Ream, professor at GSOE
- Cheryl Gerry, MSO, Mechanical Engineering
- Sarah Ryan, graduate student
Staff Support
- Kara Oswood
- To identify and promote best practices in graduate academic and professional programs.
- To determine the strengths and weaknesses of our departmental, interdepartmental and interdisciplinary graduate programs; to consider the viability of existing graduate programs and to make recommendations regarding the structure and possible reorganization of graduate programs.
- To develop strategies for increasing the number, caliber and diversity of the graduate student population, including the mix of graduate academic and professional school students.
- To make recommendations about graduate student recruitment, funding, experiences and services.
- To identify means of increasing graduate student support.
- To recommend ways of enhancing and improving the graduate student experience.
Planning document: Attributes of Excellence in Graduate Education
The EDGE subcommittee welcomes input from the campus community on any strategic planning issues related to graduate education. You can reach us by clicking on the email link in the menu bar on left side of this page, or by looking up a subcommittee member in the campus directory and emailing or calling that member directly. The subcommittee is particularly interested in receiving feedback on these topics:
How does your graduate program provide mentoring for graduate students, and who participates in the mentoring? Please note any particularly effective aspects of your program’s approach to mentoring, as well as any aspects that are in need of improvement and how they might be improved.
How does your graduate program work to achieve and maintain a diverse graduate student body? Note any particularly effective aspects of your program’s approach to promoting diversity, as well as any aspects that are in need of improvement and how they might be improved.
How do you evaluate the “quality” of a graduate program?
What are the most important things the campus could do to grow and improve graduate education?
Chair: Neal Schiller, professor of biomedical sciences
Vice Chair: Victor Zordan, associate professor, computer science and engineering
Committee Members: 15 committee members, consisting of:
- Eugene Nothnagel, professor of botany and plant sciences
- Martin Johnson, professor of political science
- Deborah Willis, professor of English
- Bradley Hyman, professor of biology
- Gabriela Canalizo, professor of physics
- Perry Link, professor of comparative literature
- Bajis Dodin, professor at AGSM
- Thomas Stahovich, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Barbra Wallace, Director, CNAS Undergraduate Advising Center
- Jessica Maldonado, president of ASUCR
- Ann Frenkel, Assistant University Librarian for Research and Instructional Services
- David Oglesby, Associate Professor, Earth Sciences
Staff Support
- Patsy Oppenheim, undergraduate education
- To focus on undergraduate education and programs, including:
- To focus on undergraduate education and programs, including the right mix of majors, modes of effectively delivering the curriculum and the overall quality and distinctiveness of the educational experience.
- To make recommendations on admissions and enrollment management, access and affordability, enhancing student life, and bolstering student success, retention and graduation rates.
- To identify innovative and creative initiatives to attract the best and brightest undergraduates to UCR while maintaining a diverse undergraduate student population (e.g. an Honors College?).
- To make recommendations for improving the first-year experience of UCR's diverse undergraduate students, with a particular focus on the transition from high school to college.
Chair: Peter Hayashida, vice chancellor for university advancement
Vice Chair: Stephen Cullenberg, dean of College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Committee Members: 17 committee members, consisting of:
- Reza Abbaschian, dean of Bourns College of Engineering
- Ring Carde. professor of entomology
- S. Karthik Ramakrishnan, professor of political science
- Rick Smith, professor at AGSM
- Tom Baldwin, dean of College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
- Phyllis Guze, interim dean, office of medical school planning
- Steven Bossert, dean of Graduate School of Education
- Larae Lundgren, assistant vice chancellor of enrollment management
- Bette Quinn, assistant dean of the graduate division
- Julie Hall, associate athletics director of development
- Laurie Maguire, UCR alumnus
- Daniel Kim, UCR alumnus
- Bryan Lopez, undergraduate student
- Bryce Davis, graduate student
Staff Support
- Margene Mastin-Schepps, strategic communications
- To make recommendations on aligning campus-wide and unit-based advancement activities and attendant resources with the broader academic vision of UCR.
- To evaluate approaches to increasing and leveraging campus investments in relationship-building functions that promote external support and financial investment.
- To assess how to strengthen the UCR brand as a tool for generating increased advocacy and raising public perceptions of the University's stature at the state, national and international levels.
Chair: Jay Farrell, Professor of Electrical Engineering
Vice Chair: Mary Gauvain, Professor of Psychology
Committee Members: 17 committee members, consisting of:
- Monica Carson, Professor of Biomedical Sciences
- Jonathan Turner, Professor of Sociology
- Michael Vanderwood, Professor at GSOE
- Peter Chung, Professor at AGSM
- Matt Hull, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Resource Management and Analysis
- Ruth Jackson, University Librarian
- Charles Rowley, Associate Vice Chancellor of Computing and Communications
- Jim Sandoval, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs
- Christopher Bardeen, Professor of Chemistry
- Jocelyn Millar, Professor of Entemology
- Mike Adams, Professor of Entomology
- Lisa Nguyen, Undergraduate Student
- Swane Gordon, Graduate Student
- Holly Preble, Asst. Dean of Development, CNAS
Staff Support
- Karim Zahedi, Chancellor/EVC/provost office
- To make recommendations on ways for the campus to become less dependent on state funding.
- To evaluate and make recommendations on resource generation, cost structure and achieving budgetary transparency.
- To examine and make recommendations on ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the campus infrastructure, including administrative structure, business affairs, facilities, and services in support of the teaching and research missions.
Chair: Yolanda Moses, Associate Vice Chancellor for Conflict Resolution and Professor of Anthropology
Vice Chair: Veronica Ruiz, MSO in Office of Student Affairs, President of UCR Staff Assembly
Committee Members: 19 committee members, consisting of:
- Manuela Martins-Green, Professor of Cell Biology and Neuroscience
- Rickerby Hinds, Professor of Theater
- Gillian Wilson, Professor of Physics
- Jorge Silva-Risso, Professor at AGSM
- Stefano Vidussi, Professor of Mathematics
- George Marcoulides, Professor at GSOE
- Thomas Cogswell, Professor of History
- Kevin Esterling, Professor of Political Science
- Jodie Holt, Professor of Botany and Plant Sciences
- Shankar Mahalingam, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- Janet Lucas, Athletics
- Susan Allen Ortega, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Dean of Students
- Frank Hiroyasu, Undergraduate Student
- Marilyn Voce, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
- Adrienne Sims, Director, Women’s Resource Center
- Sarah Chollar, Graduate Student
Staff support
- Brian Murphy, Office of Affirmative Action
- To review and make recommendations about the culture of the campus, including the intellectual and social climate, and for increasing the sense of community.
- To consider issues related to diversity. Is the climate on our campus welcoming, and can diverse views be exchanged in an atmosphere of civility and respect.
- To recommend avenues for improved communications among students, faculty, staff and the administration.
Chair: Sharon Duffy, Professor of Education, Dean of UCR Extension
Vice Chair: Lars Walton, Executive Director of the Office of Advocacy, Government and Community Relations
Committee Members: 20 committee members, consisting of:
- Richard Cardullo, Professor of Biology
- Jonathan Green, UCR ArtsBlock
- Marylynn Yates, Professor of Environmental Science
- David Stewart, Dean of AGSM
- Craig Byus, Dean of Biomedical Sciences Division
- Kyle Hoffman, Assistant Vice Chancellor/Alumni and Constituent Relations
- Carolyn Stark, Director of UCR Palm Desert
- Pamela Clute, Executive Director of ALPHA Center
- Stan Morrison, Director of Athletics
- Kathy Barton, Director of Communications, Health Affairs, Chancellor's Office
- Cindy Roth, CEO of Chamber of Commerce, Riverside
- Jack Clarke, Jr., Best, Best & Krieger
- Lizette Navarette, Youth Coordinator, Office of the Mayor, city of Riverside
- Irma Flores, The Flores Group
- Carla Essenberg, Graduate Student
- James Cuevas, JJC Project Management Group
Staff Support
- Sarah Sharp-Aten
- Eilleen Milam
- To focus on community outreach and external relationships, including alumni, parents, advocates, business and community leaders, elected officials and industry.
- To review and make recommendations on how UCR can contribute to the community in athletics, education, the arts and economic development.
Chair: Dallas Rabenstein
Committee Members:
- Guillermo Aguilar
- Ken Baerenklau
- Shaun Bowler
- Steven Brint
- Cynthia Giorgio
- David Herzberger
- Cindy Larive
- John Levin
- Tom Perring
- Scott Silverman
- Ameae Walker
Staff to Committee:
- Bill Kidder
Meeting Minutes
The following eight subcommittee reports informed our draft strategic plan were released on March 1st with Draft #1