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The Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering Strategic Plan

Making a difference in the lives of our students, serving the community, and contributing to the public good through relevant research.

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Strategic Goals


Sustaining and enhancing BCOE’s reputation for excellence in research and education


Meeting growing needs of engineering research and educational programs


Producing graduates who become tomorrow’s leaders


Developing and expanding the operational infrastructure required to support the strategic growth of the College

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Strategic Goal I


Build financial stability, resiliency, and sustainability

  • Increase Revenue Opportunities
    Grow nonresident enrollment

    Undergraduate Enrollment up 11% over 2022

    BCOE UG Enrollment


    Graduate enrollment down -1% under 2022

    Further develop and scale up M.S. programs
    BCOE MS Enrollment
    • Winter 2023 launch of MS in Computational Data Science
    • Exploring the expansion of interdisciplinary BS+MS
    • Exploring M.S. Bioengineering for a professional audience
    Grow extramural research and training program funding

    Increased # of post-docs and faculty

    Monthly meetings to facilitate discussion, organize, and create new research centers

    Grow philanthropy campaigns  

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Strategic Goal II


Invest in the success of the people who teach, do research, work, learn, and live at UCR

  • Improve Undergraduate Student Success and Experience
    Formalize undergraduate research and internship opportunities

    Increased available seats and # of course offerings in critical courses

    Captured learning community unit and credit through new courses on professional development and training on essential skills

  • Improve Graduate Student Success and Experience
    Expand the M.S. and Ph.D. applicant pool and become more selective while growing

    MS Applicant Yield up 29% over 2022

    PhD Applicant Yield up 47% over 2022

  • Enhance Staff Morale
    Provide professional development opportunitiesMoved to shared services staffing model for non-CS units, with increased supervisorial opportunities and more evenly distributed workload across departments.
    Recognize staff contributionsA new BCOE staff awards program recognizes exceptional work and cross-college collaboration. The funds were pooled to ensure equity and increase participation, and two calls for nominations were established. 

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Strategic Goal III


Expand the visibility and scope of influence of UCR locally, nationally, and globally