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Enrollment Services Strategic Plan

Transforming students lives by eliminating barriers, accelerating value, and strategic collaboration

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Indispensable to UCR Student Success


Employees seize ownership for innovation and pursue excellence at every opportunity


Services are delivered through the lens of the student journey


Recognized nationally for innovation and excellence


By 2030 will be generating 50 million dollars in additional annual revenue for UCR

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  • Invest in staff
    Determine the staffing needed to support a campus of 30,000 students that considers both how our work and student demands are continually evolving  
    Develop a professional development strategy that maximizes succession planning and ensures staff have the tools to perform their jobs well  
    Develop an intentional professional pathway for individuals within the Enrollment Services organization, inclusive of considerations for staff who do not want a supervisory role  
    Advance a plan that prioritizes engagement, training, and regular updates that promotes collaboration among employees Employee engagement survey measures both inter-department communication as well as how staff wants to interact socially
    Develop and deploy a thoughtful and engaging new employee orientation program Enrollment services new employee orientation implemented
  • Create a seamless student-centered experience
    Develop a centralized call center for student-facing functions that maximizes the potential for problem resolution on the spot Established the space and equipment for centralized functionality
    Re-envision the purpose, mission, and vision of the Highlander One-Stop Shop to make certain it is a space that maximizes efficient and timely problem resolution for the UCR student community New mission statement established; Established HOSS as its own department within ES
    Evaluate opportunities to unify incoming student communication channels into a streamlined interface that allows for outward communication to students and eliminates duplication of effort  
    Develop a web presence that integrates business processes from the lens of the student, not the department Phase 1 complete: driving attention to making appointments and the self-service options
    Utilize the continuing student CRM to develop a personalized and automated communication plan to current students that maximizes the opportunity to keep students on track with the critical administrative processes needed to be completed in order to move through their academic journey  
  • Utilize real-time, relevant information that informs a student-centered experience
    Look for opportunities to merge/eliminate redundant systems and bad data within the Enrollment Services organization  
    Ensure staff are comfortable using and informed about the data available to them to successfully perform their work  
    Employ the use of data visualization tools to tell the Enrollment Services story to internal and external audiences Summer session expanding enrollment dashboard
    Use data to mine for actionable intelligence that informs the Enrollment Services strategic priorities  
  • Increase institutional efficiency
    With the aspiration to create a consistent student-experience, centralize appropriate administrative tasks into spaces within Enrollment Services that have the required expertise

    1. Transfer credit and articulation services department created

    2. Scholarship Universe implementation

    3. CourseDog implementation

    4. Summer Session "front desk" transitioned to HOSS

    Develop a mechanism to ensure Enrollment Services receives critical and regular updates from the academic community that enables staff to adjust processes, etc. that will best serve the UCR student community  
    Provide regular updates to the campus community to ensure the staff across campus can serve the UCR student community with the best information available

    Registrar's office provides quarterly campus forums and a monthly campus newsletter

    Summer sessions is strategizing with departments about increasing summer enrollment

    Summer Sessions
  • Advance a strategic and innovative campus framework for setting, fulfilling and assessing undergraduate enrollment goals

    Establish a campus Strategic Planning group that determines the following:

    Optimum level of enrollment the institution desires to realize in consideration of financial imperatives and organizational capacity conditions

    1. Desired student profile in consideration of UCR’s mission and mandate, as well as quality and access
    2. Desired academic profile in consideration of UCR’s student and industry needs, instructional and campus capacity, political pressures, and competitive context

    1. Enrollment Governance Council established

    2. Recruitment and Yield workgroup established

    3. Summer Session joint Administrative/Academic Senate Committee re-established

    4. Retention and persistence workgroup established (VPDUE)

    Increase new student entering domestic non-resident enrollment from the current state of 100 each year to 450 each year by 2030

    1. Increased students at top of the funnel by 8%

    2. Increased engagement with UCR alumni to support recruitment efforts

    3. Expanded outreach to new regions

    4. Targeted yield efforts incorporating families

    Increase Summer Session FTE 40% by 2030, realizing an increase of 620 new FTE

    1. 24% increase in online course submissions

    2. On track to provide all current students with summer aid package

    3. Increased summer FTE by 60 students in 2023 and with a goal to increase by another 100 in 2024

    4. 11% increase in student awareness about the benefit of attending Summer Session


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