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University Extension Strategic Plan

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Financially Sustainable and Resilient


People-Centric Organization


Visible and Important Part of the University and Community


To transform lives through the power of lifelong learning

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Exceptional Education


Lifelong Learning




UC Gold Standard


Real-World Knowledge


Flexibility and Accessibility

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Strategic Goal I


Build financial stability, resiliency, and sustainability

  • Increase Revenue Opportunities
    Grow international enrollment  
    Increase open enrollment and custom programming enrollment  
    Integrate Palm Desert Center; transition to self-supporting model First ever PDC Open House with all Colleges/units participating
    Grow extramural funding and philanthropic relationships Hired first Senior Director of Development
  • Improved Financial Strategy
    Increase financial literacy across the organization Budget retreat with completely revamped budgetary process
    Diversify funding sources and revenue streams with a balance of international, domestic, and custom/corporate enrollments, as well as grants and philanthropy Increased revenue by 20.6% YTD; 65%/27%/7% (target: 30/30/30/10)
  • Improved Program Development and Marketing Strategy
    Conduct regular program portfolio performance analysis 172% increase in ad conversion (260+ enrollments, 1400 inquiry calls); -32% cost per acquisition; 2.76% conversion rate from website (from RFIs, calls, self-enroll)
    Reestablish Program Development Committee  
    Strengthen existing procedures for program review  
    Formulate and refine new marketing strategy  
    Utilize market studies for program development and review decisions  
    Broaden awareness campaign and improve lead conversations  

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Strategic Goal II


Invest in the success of the people who teach, do research, work, learn, and live at UCR

  • Improve student success, experience, and pipelines
    Monitor certificate completion outcomes to improve graduation rates and identify and decrease any existing equity gaps  
    Create career and leadership development opportunities for UCR matriculated students through our programs  
    Improve Extension student experience  
    Grow our undergraduate and graduate pathway programs  
    Be an important part of helping UC stop outs finish their credential 16 graduated, 5 filed for graduation, 29 re-enrolled, 100+ in-progress advising
  • Address instructor equity and professional growth
    Analyze compensation and reduce equity gaps in compensation  
    Increase diversity in instructor hires  
    Enhance opportunities for instructor development  
  • Address staff flexibility and professional growth
    Assess hybrid/remote work structure  
    Enhance professional development opportunities for staff at all levels in organization  
    Strategically optimize staffing needs to align with growth goals  
    Position UCR Extension to be a leader in DEI  

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Strategic Goal III


Expand the visibility and scope of influence of UCR locally, nationally, and globally

  • Achieve national classifications and broaden global brand awareness
    Contribute to campus’s pursuit of Carnegie Community Engagement classification Carnegie classification achieved January 2024
    Contribute to campus’s pursuit of the APLU Innovation & Economic Prosperity and Global Learning, Research, and Engagement designation IEP designation achieved March 2024
    Establish UCR Extension as a leader in providing opportunities to gain professional training and cross-cultural communication skills needed to engage in global opportunities  
    Advocacy and brand awareness 20% increase in UCR Extension website traffic with 45K new users
  • Community engagement
    Increase instructor engagement  
    Increase K-12 education community engagement  
    Establish UCR Extension as a research dissemination arm for community  
    Seat UCR Extension staff on community organization committees  
    Position UCR Extension centrally as a leader in workforce development within the local economy  
  • Partner Engagement
    Establish new and steward existing domestic and global partnerships to increase enrollments  
    Increase Extension’s contributions to the internationalization of UCR  
    Strengthen cross-campus, cross-system, and cross-institution collaboration and advocacy  
  • Alumni Engagement
    Create personal and professional growth opportunities for alumni  
    Engage alumni in networking, mentoring and philanthropic giving First participation in Homecoming 2023; alumni meetings infused into recruitment travel