University Library Strategic Plan
Meet the scholarly, clinical, creative information needs of UCR’s diverse communities
OBJECTIVE PROGRESS Play a leadership role on systemwide committees that shape shared collections UCR Library staff served on and chaired key UC-wide collection groups Conduct mapping of key programs and evaluate the ability of existing collections to support them Identified new and high output UCR programs and assessed readiness of existing collections to support them Develop metric for Water Resource Archive monographic and journal location and research support Established metrics for Water Resources Collections and Archive based on geographic location, rarity, format, condition, currency, and usage, amongst others. Location implementation portion of the metric applied to over 80% of the collection. Expand Special Collections and University Archives holdings to meet local UCR teaching and research missions Partnered with Chicano Student Programs, Teatro Quinto Sol, the Encuentros, Student Participatory Research Project (ESPARiTU), to inventory, digitize, and make accessible Nuestra Cosa, the “Chicano alternative newspaper” founded by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (M.E.Ch.A.) de UCR in December 1972. Invest in deep local collections to support the unique research and teaching agendas at UCR Secured access to the Native American Heritage Month Digital Collection Support open access publishing Coordinated a comprehensive systemwide plan for outreach and support for OA publishing Provide ongoing support for shared integrated library systems Backlog of more than 500 requests was eliminated and turnaround times from submission of a request to delivery of materials reduced from months to no more than 3 days. Invest in continuous development of metadata and technical services staff skills Create Digitization Laboratory in Rivera Library to enhance access to content and to preserve born digital content Designed and began construction of a Rivera Digitization Lab to be completed in 2024. Create a print preservation laboratory in Rivera Library to enhance the conservation and care of Special Collections -
Enhance the Library's role as a dynamic learning space for the UCR community and the peoples of Inland Southern California
OBJECTIVE PROGRESS Become a key hub for experiential learning on the UCR campus Launched Scholarly Technology and Research (STAR) Lab, Robotics Lab, 2DXP (3-D Experience) Lab providing students and faculty from all disciplines access to data, high-end technology and software. Create single sign-on access to UCR Library online resources Create unified service desks in both the Rivera and Orbach Libraries for accessing physical and digital resources, interlibrary loan, reference, and ITS' BearHelp Integrated BearHelp into a consolidated service desk with reference support (Library Support) in Rivera and Orbach libraries. -
Increase the role of the UCR Library as a key hub for the inclusive dissemination of information, digital, and other literacies on campus and for the peoples of Inland Southern California
OBJECTIVE PROGRESS Align reference and instruction services with campus student success initiatives and goals Reference transactions increased by 70% in Fall 2023 compared to Fall 2022 Develop, in collaboration with XCITE and other campus stakeholders, support for innovative instructional practices and needs Hired Student Success and Engagement Librarian, Instructional Design Librarian, and STEM Teaching Librarian Support campus assessment efforts of teaching -
Serve as a key research partner for UCR's diverse faculty and student population and the peoples of Inland Southern California
INITIATIVE PROGRESS Develop a robust Digital Scholarship Program to serve the needs of UCR’s diverse student population and the research agendas of the UCR faculty Launched a Summer Digital Scholarship Certificate Program to promote information and digital literacy; Hosted more than 1200 learners over the course of 2200 total hours; workshops reached thousands of viewers beyond UCR through YouTube; Significantly expanded CreatR Lab services Expand experiential learning spaces in the UCR Library buildings Launched Scholarly Technology and Research (STAR) Lab, Robotics Lab, 2DXP (3-D Experience) Lab providing students and faculty from all disciplines access to data, high-end technology and software. -
Invest in the professional growth and success of the UCR Library staff
OBJECTIVE PROGRESS Continue commitment to hiring, empowering, and retaining a diverse workforce that reflects the diverse UCR communities Successfully qualified a cataloger as a participant in the Library of Congress' Subject Authority Cooperative Program (SACO) Comics and Fiction Funnel