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Research and Economic Development Strategic Plan

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Strategic Goal I


Build financial stability, resiliency, and sustainability

  • Increase revenue opportunities
    Grow extramural awards and contracts funding

    1. Total expenditures increased from $199M to $215M (federal from $114M to $121M; business/industry from $6M to $7M)

    2. F&A revenue increased from $34.2M to $37.5M 

    Grow philanthropy  
    Diversify IP portfolio

    1. 133 UCR inventors served (includes faculty, students, postdocs, staff, etc.) - 36 grad students, 67 faculty, 13 postdocs

    2. 61 invention disclosures received/accepted in FY 2023

    3. 73 patents (45 provisional, 28 non provisional applications filed) + 10 US patents issued

    4. 10 license agreements total (9 licenses - 6 were utility, 3 were plant, 0 were copyright; 1 option), including 4 license/option agreements to startups

    5. Over 50 outreach/marketing campaigns

    Increase industry sponsored research to 6% of research grants

    1. 40 research sponsors engaged (leading to contracts)

    2. 107 disclosures submitted

    3. 22 SBIR proposals for 19 different sponsors on behalf of UCR faculty. 2 UCR affiliated SBIRs received $75K. In addition, 18 SBIR/STTR proposals were submitted through EPIC SBDC. Total dollars awarded by EPIC SDC is $13,573,000.

    4. Five proof of concept grants for a total of $245K; Since 2013, $2.15M to 61 projects.

    5. Three license agreements with UCR IP to 3 startups; 1 option agreement with UCR IP to a startup. Two UCR startups formed (no IP licensed) and three community startups formed.

  • Improve financial models

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Strategic Goal II


Invest in the success of the people who teach, do research, work, learn, and live at UCR

  • Improve graduate student success and pipelines
    Increase culture of entrepreneurship on campus

    1. One INNOVAR workshop (15 teams, 20 grad students including MBAs - 8 teams in NSF HUB West program).

    2. Four companies formed.

    3. $800K raised by grad student companies.

    4. 234 grad students engaged (includes pitch competitions, workshops, and EPIC info sessions).

    Increase number of training grants  
    Diversify IP portfolio  
    Increase industry sponsored research to 6% of research grants  
  • Improve undergraduate student success and experience
    Increase culture of entrepreneurship on campus

    1. 233 participants admitted in NSF HUB west, Blackstone and INNOVAR workshops.

    2. Four companies formed by undergraduate students.

  • Support research integrity and compliance
    Continue to address state and federal changing requirements There is a new requirement for NSF and CITI training. An ad-hoc committee was created to make recommendations about new NSF training requirements and Citi modules were implemented.
  • Address staffing levels, staff flexibility and professional growth
    Invest in strategic hiring  
    Enhance professional development  
    Strengthen research administration processes The campus has transitioned to cloud-based research applications by Kuali to standardize the processes for research proposals, awards and subawards, compliance, administration, and documentation across various departments.

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Strategic Goal III


Expand the visibility and scope of influence of UCR locally, nationally, and globally