Research and Scholarly Distinction
Vice Chair
Committee on Research and Scholarly Distinction:
Chair: Xiaoping Hu, Bioengineering |
Vice Chair: Timothy Lyons, Earth Sciences |
Faculty Members:
Staff Members:
Community Member: Allison MacKenzie, Babcock Laboratories |
Academic Leaders:
Administrative Leader: Gillian Wilson, Sr. AVC RED, Physics and Astronomy |
Foundation/Alumni Board Member: Walter Buzz Stewart, Board of Trustees |
Graduate Student: Pablo Unzueta |
Undergraduate Student: Angel Huerta, Student Health Advisory Council |
Supporting Staff Member: Michelle Jaramillo, Provost’s Office |
Committee Charge
As a research-intensive (R1) and public land grant university, research and scholarship are central to UCR's mission and our future. The Research and Scholarly Distinction strategic planning committee will work collaboratively and engage in broad discussions and thoughtful analysis to produce the questions, goals, metrics and summary recommendations that will guide UCR's collective efforts and future investments to achieve even greater distinction in research and scholarship. The committee should be bold in exploring how UCR can effectively identify, develop and enhance research and scholarship in traditional disciplines, including the humanities and creative disciplines, and emerging multidisciplinary areas to advance the overall research and scholarship profile of the campus through rankings, awards, and other forms of national and international recognition. This work should address campus support for research, ways in which research funding can be increased including the development of new partnerships with other institutions of higher learning, foundations, and corporations, the role of research centers, and how intellectual property developed at UCR can be leveraged for societal benefit and economic development in our region and beyond. This effort will culminate in a 5-10 page document, due in Spring 2020 that will be shared with the campus community. Following an opportunity for feedback, this report will be synthesized with those of the other committees to produce the strategic plan.
The committee will be led by a chair and vice-chair, and supported by a staff member who will partner closely with the chair and vice-chair while also serving as a contributing member of the committee. The staff member will assist the chair and vice chair by helping to facilitate communications, organize and schedule meetings and summarize meeting discussions.
In this work, the committee will integrate the discussion and analysis of UCR's value as they impact our research enterprise. As this effort is critically important that committee members act and think as campus representatives, rather than constituents of their own department, college or office. Because the work will be carried out over the coming year, committee members must commit sustained and regular meetings including committee discussions over the summer. Committee members will speak thoughtfully and listen carefully, engaging each other and the larger campus community in respectful dialog.