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This dynamic website for UCR 2030 outlines our ambitions for where we would like to be in 2030 and our intentions for how we will get there. It highlights our central priorities and helps us hold ourselves accountable. Each spring, we update this site to provide links to metrics, data, and stories to assess our progress toward our goals. The central campus strategic goals outlined below provide the foundation for the faculty and staff in the schools, colleges, and other organizational units to achieve the goals laid out in their respective plans. Details on those unit-specific strategic plans can be found in the drop-down menu at the top of the page. UCR’s mission, values, and pillars of our identity can be found at ucr.edu/mission.

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Strategic Goal I


Build financial stability, resiliency, and sustainability

  • Increase Net Revenue
    Grow nonresident enrollment

    Intensive & targeted outreach (out-of-state and international)

    9% international and non-resident students

    Increase summer session offerings and enrollment
    • Identify new courses for summer (based on student demand)
    • Expand and enhance recruiting efforts
    • Review budget model incentives
    Graphic showing growth in Summer Sessions

    PDF available here


    Increase number of master’s programs and master’s enrollment

    • Perform market studies to determine viability of proposed master’s programs
    • Increase support for developing and submitting proposals

    Master's Program Enrollments

    Graph showing growth in UCR Master's Program Enrollment

    PDF available here

    Grow extramural research funding
    • Provide competitive internal seed funding opportunities
    • Expand campus and school/college support for grant proposal development and grant management

    Total Expenditures increased from $199M to $215M

    OASIS internal funding award

    Grow philanthropy
    • Develop larger pool of donors
    • Engage faculty in donor cultivation and stewardship
    • Expand alumni programming
    Advocate for resources from State of CA
    • Provide timely information to state legislators
    • Engage actively with UCOP on development and
      refinement of allocation protocols
    Growth showing state funding to UCR
    PDF available here
  • Improve Financial Models
    • Stabilize funding for core research facilities
    • Provide budgeting and forecasting tools to units

    Roll out common budget template and forecasting tools that are part of the new financial system


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Strategic Goal II


Invest in the success of the people who teach, do research, work, learn, and live at UCR

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Strategic Goal III


Expand the visibility and scope of influence of UCR locally, nationally, and globally


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